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Notes from the Field

And This Concludes Phase 1 of Our Program

May 19th, 2011 by Tom Neumann

May 19, 2011

We are now well on our way back home again, with our GPS stations dutifully recording ice motion in our absence. Several of the stations will be visited again this summer, and all will have a visit this fall to freshen them up for winter. It was something of a whirlwind tour, but we managed to get it all done.

The next phase of the project begins in late June, when a new batch of ROGUE team members returns to Ilulissat and the ice sheet to conduct the hot-water drilling phase of the project. Thanks for following us this spring, and stay tuned to this stations for updates as the situation warrants.

Signing Off,
Tom and Matt

ROGUE: Real-time Observations of Greenland’s Under-ice Environment
The goal of the ROGUE project is to examine the nature and cause of short-term ice velocity changes near Swiss Camp, Greenland, by observing interactions between the ice sheet, the atmosphere and the bed.

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2 Responses to “And This Concludes Phase 1 of Our Program”

  1. David says:

    Welcome back. Cheers!

  2. Tim says:

    Lucky yous! 🙂

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